Non-Refundable Fee - The initial fee of $85 unlocks 72-hour access to your full itinerary. This fee is non-refundable, covering initial costs and safeguarding against misuse. Your unique itinerary link (minus voucher codes) will land in your inbox within 24 hours.
Extend Your Access - After 72 hours from receiving your itinerary, access will pause until you're ready to complete full payment and continue your adventure.
Voucher Codes - Once we receive your full payment, voucher codes will be sent within 3 business days via email. If mail delivery is required, please allow 2-3 weeks. You will be notified how each voucher will be delivered at time of purchase.
Final Payment - No refunds once the final payment is made, as we need to purchase the vouchers on your behalf. Need to tweak a redeemed voucher code? Contact the issuer directly with enough notice to make changes or receive credits.
Gift Cards**: Remember, gift cards are non-refundable.
Before You Dive In
Before you jump in, take a peek at our sample itinerary and FAQ to make sure we’re your perfect travel match. Got questions? We’re all ears! Just reach out via chat or email, and we’ll help you make the best decision for your adventure. Happy travels!